How Tech Can Make Online Gaming Safer and More Productive

in this artical details How Tech Can Make Online Gaming Safer ,India’s technology-driven industry, particularly in online gaming, has the potential for positive impacts such as cognitive improvement, enhanced social skills, bridging the digital divide, and entertainment. The country’s digital economy growth has been significantly fueled by technological advancements, with the IT sector, software development, and tech startups contributing to economic expansion and job creation.

How Tech Can Make Online Gaming Safer
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The widespread adoption of smartphones and increased internet accessibility, particularly in remote areas, has led to a massive digital transformation in India. This transformation has facilitated easier access to information, e-commerce, digital payments , and online services.

Technology has played a crucial role in improving access to digital and formal education. Online courses, e-learning platforms, and digital educational resources have enabled students, even in remote regions, to access quality education. Telemedicine and digital health solutions have become increasingly important, particularly in rural and underserved areas of the country.

Government initiatives like Digital India, Common Domestic Database, and Aadhaar have played a significant role in digitizing government records, improving targeting, reducing bureaucracy, and enhancing transparency. Digital payment systems, such as UPI, have made financial services more accessible, reducing reliance on cash and promoting financial literacy.

India has witnessed a surge in technology startups that promote innovation and entrepreneurship. These startups are creating jobs that demand innovation and are addressing challenges in healthcare, education, and transportation.

As technology continues to connect the state and private sectors, India is at the forefront of a dynamic digital revolution, fostering innovation and driving social progress. The integration of technology into various sectors is contributing to the country’s overall development and modernization.

How Tech Can Make Online Gaming Safer

Emergence of complex challenges

As India experiences progress through technological advancements, it faces new challenges related to data privacy, cybersecurity, and the digital divide. Responsible and equitable technology use is crucial to ensure widespread benefits. India has the potential to become an innovative hub, fostering wealth creation for its youth on the global stage.

Taking online gaming as a case study, India is not just a consumer but also an innovator in the industry. The Indian online skill gaming sector, valued at $20 billion, boasts over 420 million gamers and 500 gaming studios. While supporting millions of jobs, the industry’s growth is hindered by a lack of comprehensive policies and misinformation.

Addressing issues like online gaming addiction requires a proactive approach. The industry caters to various age groups through formats like eSports, fantasy gaming, casual gaming, card games, and puzzles. These formats often require a blend of skills, including agility, sharp reflexes, strategic thinking, logic, attentiveness, practice, and dexterity.

To tackle challenges associated with excessive gameplay, tailored initiatives promoting responsible gaming are essential. A study on “Digital competence as a protective factor against gaming addiction in children and adolescents” highlights the role of digital competence in preventing gaming addiction. Educating young minds to enhance digital competence is vital for maximizing media use benefits while minimizing potential adverse effects.

Innovative solutions are emerging, such as a tool developed by a University of Bath graduate to tackle gaming addiction. This tool enables parental controls over screen use, initiating a screen shutdown process after reaching preset time limits. Gaming platforms are also implementing features like reminders and cooling breaks to discourage excessive gaming.

Real-money gaming requires specific measures to protect users’ identity and finances, including comprehensive Know Your Customer (KYC) verification and age verification.

Several Indian gaming companies are proactively adopting responsible gaming charters, educating gamers on effective time management, creating games promoting healthy habits, and providing resources for those struggling with addiction. Collaborative efforts involving policymakers, gaming companies, and society are essential to establish standards and ensure responsible gaming practices become the norm.

What can be done

UNICEF’s “Child Rights and Online Gaming: Opportunities and Challenges for Children and the Industry” provides safeguarding techniques to protect child rights, crucial for the digital policies of a country, especially for young online gaming users. Recommendations include displaying age restrictions, aligning them with international ratings and legal requirements, creating parental control solutions, and offering guidance for different age groups. It emphasizes proper identification of marketing content, informing children about commercial aspects in games, flagging mature content, adding controls, and designing new age-verification methods.

While some gaming companies have taken steps to enhance user safety, a holistic approach is needed for a more comprehensive impact. The growing gaming industry presents an opportunity for self-regulation, ensuring long-term growth while safeguarding young consumers.

A well-managed technology-driven industry, like online gaming, can have positive impacts on cognitive function, social skills, and reducing the digital divide, while providing entertainment. Industry meetings and user feedback mechanisms should play vital roles in promoting a responsible gaming industry in India. Collaborative efforts are essential to navigate challenges and leverage technological advancements for the country’s development.

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